One Side Natural Salt Tile

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Weight 15-2.5 kg

One Side Natural Salt Tile

Himalayan Salt Tiles CONSTRUCTION ITEMS:

Weight 1.5 – 2.5 kg
Size: 8x4x2.5″

SM super mineral salts brings you One Side Natural Salt Tile the most beautiful and beneficial construction Himalayan salt tiles which can add ravishing and alluring Salt Tile One Side Natural value to you spa , offices, homes and other health and natural stone tiles beauty facilities.


Himalayan salt bricks are used in home décor, spas, beauty centers and other health care facilities.

The Himalayan salt bricks is ideal Himalayan Salt Tiles for kitchen tiles, walls, counters. Spas are amazingly renovated with Himalayan salt bricks. The concept of Himalayan salt in construction is becoming Salt Tile One Side Natural popular as people as getting aware of the benefits of these salts.

Himalayan Salt Tiles

Now a day many people faces respiratory natural stone tiles problems due to extra ordinary pollution, lack of tress for oxygenation. Himalayan salt has 84+ minerals traces which can also heal real Himalayan salt lamp respiratory problems. Now a day’s spas and beauty salons are constructed with Himalayan Salt Tiles bricks keeping the condition and health Salt Tile One Side Natural of people in mind.

These items are 100% naturally carved. Design and sizes can be real Himalayan salt lamp made on customizations. We take orders in bulk quantity.

View Grey Salt Tile